

Our passion: Products of Excellence. This is why we have selected for you a French Caviar from Aquitaine: the Caviar Osciètre from the STURIA company located in Gironde. It is a "Haute Couture" Caviar made from Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii sturgeon, the first French Osciètre with subtle and buttery notes..

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Caviar Sturia Oscietre

(8 avis)
Prix 25,67 € 36,67 € Prix de base
Weight in grams

Caviar Sturia Oscietre - Large Tins

(1 avis)
Prix 420,58 € 600,83 € Prix de base
Weight in grams

White Mother of Pearl Caviar Spoon - 7 cm

(2 avis)
Prix 2,92 €