Who are we?
Our story
Our family business, which celebrated its 55th anniversary in 2015, was created by Jeanne Grolière, who comes from an ancestral family of renowned chefs, and her husband.

It all began in 1960
In 1960, Jeanne Grolière decided to start making preserves for her family and for Périgord. With little money, she cooked her recipes inherited from her parents and grandparents in her own ovens and went to the market every week to sell her few products. This is how she built up a customer file and, seeing the sales increase, she invested, with the help of her husband, in a small canning laboratory in their own house.
Over the years
As production increased, it decided in 1980 to create a new, larger and more mechanised factory to cope with the expansion of its sales thanks to the word of mouth that had honoured the quality of its products for several years.
At first, she was joined by her eldest son Jean-Marc, who had just graduated from his hotel school. Together they experienced the expansion of the company at the commercial level and began to develop sales at trade fairs and by mail order. Jean-Marc then took charge of production and gradually modernised the manufacturing tools. Over the years, our company has continued to grow and acquire a reputation for reliability and quality.

Jeanne Grolière's second son, Jacques, joined the Society a few years ago. Jeanne Grolière passed away in September 2008 at the age of 76.
Responsible for production, recipe development, purchasing and management

Responsible for the commercial part

Our business
Our profession is above all a passion, that of Périgourdine haute gastronomy, offered to the greatest number of people and respecting authentic flavours.
We are sculptors of flavours.
We are craftsmen
Indeed, we are first and foremost Artisans because respect for tradition, authentic flavours and quality has always been our priority and it is thanks to these requirements that we can, today, boast a record of medals received each year and this history of which we are so proud.
Although more mechanised, our work is above all that of a small team, used to working with respect for craftsmanship, the desire to do things well and know-how: for example, knowing how to master the cooking of our preserves and semi-cooked foies gras to guarantee that they are perfectly preserved after cooking and to develop their flavours, or reducing our Périgueux sauce for a long time with great care.
Our recipes are developed without colourings or preservatives.
It is always in this spirit of perfection that we seek to create, on a regular basis, innovative, original and delicate recipes such as our foie gras crème brûlée or our duck foie gras with Guérande salt lacquered with Pineau des Charentes. Our culture is tradition, our challenge is innovation.
We are Preservers
At first sight, this word seems to be in contradiction with the word "Artisan", because it makes us think of an organisation of assembly line work, of the manufacture of canned goods as in large production factories.
In our profession, the term "Preserver" is totally in keeping with our respect for the craft because it allows us to make, for example, duck liver mousses, duck confits, Enchauds (or Anchauds), Roast Poultry, in the best conditions of hygiene and conservation of quality products, from our land and our gastronomic tradition.
Enjoy your gastronomic journey.
Jean-Marc Grolière