The website is the exclusive property of SARL Foie Gras GROLIERE.
The reproduction, even partial, of the texts, photos, logos and tree structure presented on this site is strictly forbidden.
In the event of non-compliance with this clause, Foie Gras Grolière will take legal action.
The photographs on this site are not contractual, they are suggestions for presentation. Foie Gras Grolière and its logo are a registered trademark with the INPI.
Right of access and rectification of private data :
The personal data communicated on this site are processed and stored internally, thus ensuring the full security of your private information. The company Foie Gras Grolière, through its website undertakes not to divulge any of its customers' details or any information whatsoever to third parties.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, all our customers have the right to rectify and oppose any personal data concerning them.
To exercise this right, please send us a request by e-mail to the following address: or by post: Foie Gras Grolière - Service Internet - BP 24 - 24260 LE BUGUE indicating your name, first name, address and your customer code, if you have it.
Sale to minors :
In accordance with articles L. 3342-1 and L. 3342-2 of the French Public Health Code, the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors is strictly forbidden. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, and should be consumed in moderation.
Consequently, the buyer undertakes to be eighteen years of age or older. It is reminded that a minor is not allowed to contract.
Securing the Foie Gras Grolière site:
Foie Gras Grolière has made every effort to ensure maximum security of its website and of financial transactions between the Company and its customers.
Nevertheless, Foie Gras Grolière cannot guarantee that there will be no hardware problems, technical deficiencies or other problems.
The Société Foie Gras Grolière website was designed and developed by ohmyweb!
47 Allée du Moura, 64200 Biarritz.
Photos: Adocom, Association Foie Gras du Périgord, Fred Blanpain, Editions Gisserot, Grolière,
Périgueux Tourist Office, Sarlat Tourist Office, Nicolas Ravinaud.
Responsible for the publication of the website :
Mr. Jean-Marc Grolière, Co-Manager of Sté Foie Gras Grolière - SARL with a capital of 150 000 €.
Head office :
82 Route du Mont Saint Jean - BP 24 - 24260 LE BUGUE - SIRET : 315 106 237 00011 - APE : 1013A
Site host :
2 rue Kellermann - 59100 ROUBAIX - FranceInformation on online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 Para. 1 of the Online Dispute Resolution Act (ODR):
The European Commission allows consumers to resolve disputes online on one of its platforms, in accordance with Art. 14 para. 1 RLL. The platform( acts as a site where consumers can try to settle out-of-court disputes arising from the purchase of goods or services online.