Fresh Truffles from the Périgord of Exception

Fresh Truffles from the Périgord of Exception

Since last December, we have been offering for sale on our website, fresh truffles from the Périgord that we rigorously select for their quality and fragrance. We are currently offering you the latest pieces.


These Extra Quality Truffles that we manage to find are snapped up by our customers who often recommend them, completely seduced by their exceptional fragrance and the price that we wanted to be reasonable despite the rarity of this exceptional product.


This truffle called "Tuber melanosporum" is harvested between November and March. It is therefore necessary to take advantage of it at the moment. We 

Deep black and slightly mottled with white, the smell of this Truffle is exceptional. When they are brought to us fresh by the Truffle Grower, their unique and persistent smell fills our offices for a long time. It is then difficult to concentrate...


The taste of the Truffle of Périgord is slightly peppery with a great length in mouth.


Truffles are easy to cook, but you have to know how to make the most of them. Fresh truffles are not cooked in the same way as preserved truffles. The fresh truffle is easily cooked raw.


Fresh truffles are living mushrooms that release their aromas for several days. The canned truffle is a dead mushroom that will transmit the aromas it has preserved for about 1.5 hours after opening the jar. 


When cooking truffles, the proportions must also be respected (about 8 to 10 grams per person).


Finally, it is important to know that the aromas of the truffle are volatile and that cooking it for too long or over too high a heat will reduce its flavour.


We propose an easy recipe, very greedy, filled with flavours of our Périgourdine region: why not propose it to your Valentine on February 14th? A guaranteed delight!


Tagliatelle with fresh Périgord truffles and raw foie gras chips:



  • 350 g fresh tagliatelle
  • 150 g raw foie gras (duck or goose: as you wish)
  • 60 g black Périgord truffle or 30 g white Alba truffle
  • 30 cl of liquid cream
  • 15 cl of veal stock
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cl of Armagnac
  • Salt and pepper
  • Flower of salt



A few hours before if possible:

Pour the cream into a bowl

Cut the truffles into thin slices

Add the truffle slices to the cream


At the time of final preparation :

Drain the truffle pieces and keep the cream

Bring the veal stock to the boil in a saucepan over medium heat

Add the Armagnac, which you will have previously flambéed

Reduce to medium heat

Add the truffle stock, cream and truffle juice

Add salt and pepper

Add 20 g of raw foie gras cut into very small pieces and lightly salted with coarse salt

Let the foie gras melt in the sauce for 10 minutes over a low heat

Check the seasoning


Cooking tagliatelle :


Cook the tagliatelle in boiling water for a few minutes. If you want your fresh tagliatelle to be al dente, it will take 2 or 3 minutes.

Drain the tagliatelle and drizzle olive oil over them.


The presentation of the plate :


Divide the tagliatelle among the plates and coat with the sauce

Arrange the slices of truffle and the cubes of fresh foie gras

Place a few crystals of fleur de sel on the shavings of foie gras and serve immediately.


Tasting advice:


We advise you to accompany this dish, full of finesse and aromas, with a red wine of character but aromatic: for example, the Cuvée des Verdots from David Fourtout or with a white wine full of power and very fragrant: for example, the Cuvée Magie d'Automne from Château Moulin Caresse

You can find all our suggestions on our website.


Enjoy your meal!